First cucumber today, Summer Dance from Countryside, and another round of romaine. This is the first cutting of the Red Romaine.
Yesterday, t I went to Goebbert’s and got a couple of BOGO flats of flowers that I’ll plant around the mint garden to get some color in the yard. I bought their last 8 Roma tomato plants and bought 7 bush tomatoes to fill out that space. I bought more curly parsley, 3 Gypsy peppers to replace the ones the rabbits chomped on and some Thai Basil.
I went out around 10:00 and planted parsley, 6 replacement peppers, 15 tomato plants, 2 hills of Cocozelle Zucchini seeds, and a hill of patty pan squash seeds. I stood out in the rain and watered my new plantings, lacking the faith that we would get a useful amount of rain. Three of the supposed Roma tomatoes turned out to be Early Girls, which I wasn’t happy about.
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Tonight, June 10, 2023, at 8:35 PM the Fireflies made their first appearance of the year. They are just a couple of days later than last year and a week or so earlier than the previous couple of years, which is not surprising because of the warm dry weather we have been having. To me, it always signals the beginning of summer and brings back lots of childhood memories. I’ve seen them flitting around in the late afternoon, so I figured that they would be arriving soon.
Here is a short and weird audio bit that I put together about some fireflies a couple of years ago.
We haven’t had any rain in a couple of weeks and not much before that. The seven-day forecast shows no chance of rain and temperatures in the high 80s every day. I planted the beets today next to the romaine lettuce, and they will be able to spread when the Romaine is done. I watered heavily today, and the plants were showing signs of a lack of water. The celery root was totally wilted; I hope it comes back. It looks like I’ll be watering every day this week.
The only plants I have left to put in are the three Tomatillos. Hope I can get that done tomorrow. I need to get the Malabar spinach in. I need trellises for it, and I need to figure out where to put it.
I need to plant more zucchini and squash from seed, but no hurry. I need to get my Roma tomato plants from Goebbert’s. Hope they have some left.
I had to kill a bumblebee who was building a nest under the porch and entering by the water shutoff. I sprayed the area with Spectracide as a deterrent a couple of days ago, but she persisted and had to be dispatched.
I also killed two queen yellow jackets this week. I smashed one in the kitchen skylight and sprayed another on the back porch. There has been one flying around the compost bin. I need to spend an afternoon in the yard with a spray can and nail any more that are trying to nest.
I am making slow but steady progress. I raked the beds and planted the peppers this morning. I spaced them out more than in the past couple of years as they have not been doing well in the new beds. These beds are smaller in width and length than the other two, but I have been packing them with the same number of peppers per bed. I am hoping that the larger spacing between plants makes for better yields.
12 Shishito Plants and 3 Sweet Banana Peppers
3 Melrose, 3 Gypsy, 6 Lady Bell, and 3 hot Hungarian peppers.
I also got the three Zucchini plants in.
I decided to tie down the fence in the bed next to the blackberry patch. I went out with my Ryobi Stapler and stapled the bottom of the fence to the frame of the garden bed. Only half the bed is fenced. This fence has been a problem as it didn’t lay well against the frame and weeds grew in the large gap. It is good now.
I planted nine celery root plants, six poblano peppers, and six okra plants. My okra and celery roots were totally destroyed by rabbits last year. This should protect them.
I spent part of the morning rototilling the tomato bed and the remaining four raised beds. I came out after lunch, and Annabelle and I planted the tomatoes.
Champion II – Early (Countryside) Great for sandwiches. Best early type. DR | German Johnson – Late (Countryside) Low acid, potato-leaf foliage. | Abraham Lincoln – Mid Packed with great tomato flavor. | Rutgers – Late (Countryside) Old fashioned flavor. DR |
Early Girl II – Very Early (Countryside) Tasty fruit, first to ripen | German Johnson – Late (Countryside) Low acid, potato-leaf foliage. | Cherokee Carbon – Mid (Countryside) Big pink fruit with Outstanding flavor | Black Krim – Late (Goebbert’s) Dark brown and red, rich flavor. HY |
Champion II – Early (Countryside) Great for sandwiches. Best early type. DR | Mr. Stripey – Late (Countryside) Yellow with red-streaked flesh. | Cherokee Carbon – Mid (Countryside) Big pink fruit with Outstanding flavor | Celebrity – Early (Countryside) Flavorful, firm fruit on strong vines. AAS |
Early Girl II – Very Early (Countryside) Tasty fruit, first to ripen | Lemon Boy – Mid (Countryside) Tasty, sweet, juicy, low acid. HY | Cherokee Carbon – Mid (Countryside) Big pink fruit with Outstanding flavor | Early Girl II – Very Early (Countryside) Tasty fruit, first to ripen |
Three of the garden beds are infested with Canadian Thistle. After a bit of research, I decided to bite the bullet and hit them with RoundUp. The rhizomes need to be killed, or the plant will never be eradicated. I sprayed the thistle in the three beds and some other random plants around the garden. I also sprayed a bunch in the blackberry patch. I waited three days and then hit the plants in the bed with the weedwhacker. I am hoping it minimizes the spread.
The deck area is looking good. I’ve been harvesting chives for about a month and started cutting some green onions this week. I planted more bunching onions to try and fill out that bed. I could probably use a few more containers.
Chives and onions are starting to flower. I bought a new watering can. I think the old one cracked.
It has been tough getting to the gardening work. Earlier in the week, we had three days of threats of heavy rain and thunderstorms, but netted less than .1 inches. Wednesday, I picked up Jared and Izabella at the airport as they returned from their 10th-anniversary vacation in the Maldives. Friday, Natalie had surgery on her hand. Today I finally went out and got some work done.
I finished up the container garden. Here’s what I planted. A pot with 2 Serrano peppers, two pots with a large Early Girl II tomato in each, a pot with a Sunsugar and a Sun Gold tomato, another pot with two Grape Tomatoes, a pot with a Black Cherry tomato and a Chocolate Sprinkles Tomato, a potted Jalapeno from Goebbert’s, and a pot that I seeded with Genovese Basil and another pot that will be seeded with basil in early July.
I weeded the peas and broccoli that were infested with Canadian Thistle. I sprayed the thistle behind the trellis with Roundup. I’ll need to keep up with the rest over the summer.
I planted 6 large Summer Dance cucumbers a few days ago. I planted some Burpless cukes from Goebbert’s today. There is no room for any seeds, so if I am going to plant Lemon Cucumbers, I’ll need to find another place.