I placed my order for garden seeds today from Terroir Seeds in Arizona. I really don’t have a place to start seeds indoors this year so these will all be directly seeded into the garden.
For greens I ordered Arugula and Pak Choi which I have grown before and had success with. I am trying Strawberry Spinach for the first time since it looked interesting.
In the cucumber family are the True Lemon Cucumbers which I have grown before and absolutely delicious right off the vine. Also, Cucamelon and Armenian Pale green cucumbers will be tried this year.
As an experiment in weird vegetables, I ordered Achocha, Vine Peach and Poha Ground Cherry seeds.
Finally on the herb side we’ll be trying Epazote, a classic Mexican Spice and the totally off the wall Crystalline Iceplant.
Hoping the weather will be good enough so I can get my raised beds installed and the ground prepared before summer. It’s been a cold, wet spring so far, thus I am not getting my hops up yet since fall cleanup never happened again because of the rain and sudden onset of winter last November.