Last Wednesday and Thursday produced about five inches of rain and delivered a load of topsoil from Greg’s garden (uphill) to mine (downhill). It is sort of like the fertile river deltas that depend on the spring floods to enrich the soil. I did remember to thank him.
We awoke on Friday morning to 1/2 inch of snow on the ground which melted fairly quickly, but it was cold and windy all weekend and the ground was too wet to do much. Most of the greens other than the corn salad are sprouting, but growth is cold because of the cold wet weather.

Kohlrabi, broccoli and collard greens.
Today was sunny and the temperature made it into the upper 60’s, so I stopped at Goebbert’s for some cool weather vegetables which they were just putting out. All of the flowers are still in the greenhouses, but they are open.
I planted kohlrabi, Green Comet broccoli and collard greens in the new plot next to the horseradish. I put pots with the bottoms cut out around the broccoli and kohlrabi to keep away various woodland creatures, but didn’t have enough for the collard greens. Hopefully, they don’t like collard greens.

Kale and mustard green plants in between sprouting seeds.
I put the kale plants and mustard greens between the rows that I seeded earlier this month where the blue kale and chard were last fall. Only one kale plant survived from last year, but I let it go to see what will happen with it.
I also bought one pack of leeks, but I haven’t figured out where those should go yet. I also need to plant snow peas.