We’ve had blackberries for a week or so, but the production has kicked up enough that I was able to bring enough for dessert for FWG tonight. I make cream puff shells and put in some ice cream and them topped them with loads of fresh berries and whipped cream. A little decadent, but it is the first major harvest of berries. Everyone enjoyed it.
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First Early Girl
Got an Early Girl tomato today from the larger Home Depot plant. It doesn’t appear that any others are even starting to turn yet.
First harvest!
Picked the first Zucchini today along with a couple of small Melrose peppers and some Swiss Chard. I cooked them up in some olive oil along with fresh basil and store-bought garlic and served it over pasta. The first meal from the garden is always a celebration and its really early this year despite getting the garden in late.
Zucchini Attacked!
I walked out in the garden and to my horror many of the leaves on the zucchini plants were eaten. Greg’s broccoli got chewed on, and we suspect a groundhog. So I went off to Home Depot and got some fence posts, I already had a roll of chicken wire.
The zucchini is now fenced in and there hasn’t been any further damage.
Finished the planting.
This is the last of the spring planting. I put in a bunch of cucumber plants from Goebbert’s along the back fence.
I dug up a new area at the west end of the garden that now has full sun since the maple and the white pine are gone. One row of Swiss Chard plants from Goebbert’s. One row of kale from seed about 1 1/2 feet wide. Two rows of green beans, one row from seeds I got from Greg and the other row of Roma. I also planted a Rhubarb plant from Pasquesi’s.
More Tomatoes.
Got the rest of the tomatoes in today.
- 2 Rutgers Heirloom Tomatoes
- 2 Big Boy Tomatoes
- 8 Roma Tomatoes
These were all from Goebberts.
New Herb Garden
I have been rebuilding the planters for the herb garden around the deck, as the old planters are probably about 25 years old and sinking and falling apart, and too small. Today I got out at 6am to finish the installation and planting — I had all the boxes built already.
The crew that was going to remove the maple tree showed up about 6:30. They started the chain saws at 7, and by the time I left for work about 10 am, the tree was down and all the branches were chipped. They were working on chipping the trunk when I left. These guys are good! It will be nice to have light in the garden.
I finished the herb planting this morning. Because of the mild winter, the sage, thyme and rosemary survived along with the oregano which usually makes it through the winter. The parsley produced well this spring, but it always bolts in its second year, so I replanted.
Here’s what’s in the herb garden:
- Dill
- Sage
- Oregano
- Mint
- Thai Basil
- Sweet Basil
- Rosemary
- 2 varieties of Thyme
- Parsley
- Garlic Chives
- Chives
(Note: The pictures of the herb garden were added in July as I didn’t take any after I rebuilt it. It also looked a lot better in July.
Finally! The first planting.
Tree removal set me behind a couple of weeks, but the beds are ready and the first planting is going in. Here’s what got planted today:
- 8 Jalapeno Peppers
- 10 Basil Plants
- 4 Early Girl Tomatoes
- 3 Sunbeam Tomatoes
- 1 Lemon Boy Tomato
- 1 Cherokee Purple Heirloom Tomato
- 1 Black Krim Heirloom Tomato
- 4 Hot Banana Peppers
- 8 King Arthur Bell Peppers
- 8 Lady Bell Peppers
- 4 Valencia Peppers
- 4 Gypsy Peppers
- 4 Melrose Peppers
- 8 Banana Peppers
- 4 Hills of 3 or 4 Spineless Beauty Zucchini
The Lemon Boy, Cherokee Purple, Black Krim, and one of the Early Girls were the larger plants from Home Depot. The rest were the smaller plants from Goebbert’s. Zucchini plants were also from Goebbert’s.
Garden Layout
All Good Gifts
The first warm days of Spring and the beginning of planting are very special. Most of my days are spent in my windowless subterranean studio, so being outside in summer is a real gift. I spend as many of my non-working hours outdoors as possible.
Back in the 70’s when I was young and newly married, Steven Schwartz’s Rock Opera “Godspell” was a hit. I was involved in a local theatrical production of the show at St. Hubert’s, our parish at that time. We used some of the songs at mass, as everyone scrambled for music in the vernacular in those early post Vatican II days when contemporary liturgical music composers were still looking for their voice. Natalie and I were fortunate to see the play on Broadway, in New York — as a matter of fact it was the only play I’ve ever seen on Broadway in New York.
Schwartz’s “All Good Gifts” is still engraved in my memory and plays loudly when I get my hands in the warm garden soil for the first time each spring.
We plow the fields and scatter the good seed on the land..
But it is fed and watered by God’s almighty hand..
He sends us snow in winter, the warmth to swell the grain…
The breezes and the sunshine, and soft refreshing rain…
All good gifts around us
Are sent from Heaven above
Then thank the Lord, thank the Lord for all his love…