I haven’t blogged much about the garden this summer as the harvest was fairly disappointing. The Arugula, radishes and lettuce in the spring started the season off well enough, but the rain and damp cloudy weather caused poor performance on the rest of the summer crops.
The tomatoes were all affected by fungus and other than the Romas, the yields were poor, as most of the plants are dead by now. The German Queen tomatoes produced a few really large flavorful tomatoes and should be a good variety for future years.
The peppers were the wost I’ve ever had with the plants developing to less than one half of their normal size. The banana peppers had acceptable yields, but green pepper yields were very poor with some plants not even producing one normal sized pepper..
The zucchini plants had a brief burst of fruit before they finally gave up the ghost, but their season was only a few weeks.
Collards and kale did well. The Arugula lasted long, but the plants weren’t all that hearty. The lettuce Lolla Rosa yielded well and lasted a long time before bolting and getting bitter. planting it between the tomatoes was a bad idea as it was much slower to mature than what the seed packet stated and grass got mixed in with it and was impossible to control. It probably contributed to the demise of the tomato plants.
The maiche and other exotic greens barely germinated and didn’t do well. Planting the lettuce and arugula early didn’t really elp with an earlier crop as they really didn’t take off until the weather warmed up.