2024 Tomato Matrix

I was outside a little after 9:00 AM and pulled out the tomato cages, rototilled, raked and planted the the tomatoes today before the rain. As far as varieties, I got everything I wanted, but Countryside had no Oxhearts. I substituted Black from Tula.

I also tilled up the bed for the tomatillos and planted those. I had a little time left before exercise , so I planted the Okra, I chased out the rabbit who was eating all of my Romaine. Wascally Wabbit!

The perpetrator!

Champion II – Early (Countryside)
Great for sandwiches.
Best early type. DR
Mortgage Lifter – Mid (Countryside)
Pink variety with meaty fruit & great taste.
Mortgage Lifter – Mid (Countryside)
Pink variety with meaty fruit & great taste.
Big Beef Plus – Early (Countryside)
Smooth, enormous fruit. DR HY AAS
Early Girl II – Very Early (Countryside)
Tasty fruit, first to ripen
German Johnson – L (Countryside)
Low acid, potato-leaf foliage.
Brandywine Red – Mid (Countryside)
Intense tomato flavor HY
Big Beef Plus – Early (Countryside)
Smooth, enormous fruit. DR HY AAS
 Champion II – Early (Countryside)
Great for sandwiches.
Best early type. DR
Mr. Stripey – Late (Countryside)
Yellow with red-streaked flesh.
Cherokee Carbon – Mid (Countryside)
Big pink fruit with Outstanding flavor
Black from Tula – Late (Countryside)
Meaty, few seeds. Perfect for slicing.
Early Girl II – Very Early (Countryside)
Tasty fruit,
first to ripen
Lemon Boy – Mid (Countryside)
Tasty, sweet, juicy,
low acid. HY  
Cherokee Carbon – M (Countryside)
Big pink fruit with Outstanding flavor
Cherokee Carbon – M (Countryside)
Big pink fruit with Outstanding flavor
The Perpetrator!

The Tomato bed. SIxteen plants per the Tomato Matrix.