So, the weird weather continues. The trees haven’t lost most of their leaves yet. The official snowfall for Chicago on Oct 31 was 3.4″ observed at Chicago O’Hare International Airport. This breaks Chicago’s previous daily record for Oct 31 of 0.1″ set in 2014.
Last night the temperature dipped into the lower 20s and into the teens in the Rockford area. This should help get the leaves down from the trees, and definitely did in all of the potted flowers.
It appears to be a repeat performance of last year where no cleanup could be done because the leaves froze in place. Fortunately, I got the plants out of the garden as well as the tomato cages and stakes. Whether I can get some organic matter into the new raised beds remains to be seen. It is critical that I have some beds ready to go this fall in case we have a wet spring again.
Sunday looks like the warmest day with a high of 45 and sunny. Hope to get at least a few things done.