Goebbert’s opened on last Friday, April 12th. Natalie and I stopped in and I was able to get all of my spring greens; 9 Romaine, 6 Bok Choy. and 6 Chinese cabbage. I also picked up a Purple Sage, a flat of Pansies, a couple packets of Italian Parsley seed, and two packets of Genovese Basil seeds. We had a nice conversation with Lee Goebbert.
I planted the spring greens on Monday, in 75° weather. RT showed up around 10:30 and I was able to get him to rototill the bed for the greens. as well as the two beds next to the firepit. In addition to the spring greens I planted peas from some old seeds. I planted them quite densely in case the germination rate is low and will then them, once they germinate. I weeded that bed and it is ready for 8 Broccoli plants. I am hoping I can get them in the morning before the rain starts, assuming they are available at Goebbert’s. I also seeded the herb garden with Italian Parsley.
We have many rabbits in the yard, so I hope my greens survive. Natalie picked up some Irish Spring soap which we can shave into the garden. It is supposed to repel rabbits.
Natalie and I cleaned up the deck yesterday, and I filled the pots with pansies. We were able to have dinner on the deck after I finished planting. The yard is looking good since RT picked up and mowed the lawn.