Lee is here working on the barn this morning, so I’ll be helping him as needed and gardening the rest of the time. I weeded the peas and radishes and got ready to plant more radishes. Then I cleaned up the cucumber bed and planted the cukes – 4 summer dance and 3 Japanese cukes, both from Countryside.Then from seed, True Lemon cucumbers, and Crystal Apple Cucumbers, both from Terroir. I then weeded the half of the bed where the Zucchini will go and made two hills and planted the 3 Zucchini plants in the first one and will later plant seeds in the second for a later crop.
Despite the predictions for a “mostly sunny” day, it turned cloudy and cold and there were some sprinkles. I decided to do a little outside work anyway, and rototilled the bed next to the firepit and then the heirloom tomato patch. You would think that I would have learned by now that rototillers and chain-link fences don’t mix, but I didn’t and got the tiller entangled with the fence and it took me about a half-hour to get them unraveled.