My first “official” act of the gardening season was the arrival of seeds for the garden. Here’s what I bought for the 2023 garden:
Oregon Sugar Pod II Peas (Burpee)
Malabar Spinach Green (Gaia) (Terroir)
Malabar Spinach Red (Gaia)
Cocozelle Zucchini (Sow Right)
Genovese Basil (Ohio Heirloom)
Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans (Sow Right)
Lazy Housewife Pole Beans (Terroir)
Armenian Pale Green Cucumber (Terroir)
Lemon Cucumber (Sustainable)
Egyptian Spinach (Kitazawa)
Spinach Beet Greens (Terroir)
Bennings Green-Tint Summer Squash
My initial order was from Amazon, as Terroir charges a lot for shipping, but I needed to by stuff there anyway. The Amazon seeds came from everywhere, and some took a couple of weeks to get here. Next year, I’ll order first from Terroir and use Amazon for the seeds I can’t get there.