The weather finally warmed up! It was about 66° this afternoon and the soil in the bed where the peas grow, (we know a field…in summer peas grow there) I hear Orson Welles’s voice echoing across the garden, but I digress.
The soil was a little wet, but quite workable as this bed has a lot of sand in the soil. The planting is Burpee Oregon Sugar Pod II, hope they are better than the Alaskan Peas I bought from Terroir last year. I planted the full length of the trellis.
In the west end of the front part of the bed, I planted two rows of Easter Egg Radishes. I’ll plant more in April. I bought the peas on Amazon and got a bag of 300. I just didn’t feel like driving to Home Depot for a package of seeds.
This is a month earlier than I planted peas last year, due to bad weather last year and good weather this year.
The far west raised bed where I will plant lettuce and carrots was still too wet to plant. I might have to wait a week or so depending on the weather.