Here is the list and layout of the tomato garden this year. I started planting last night in an unusual burst of after-dinner energy and finished up this morning. I enriched the soil around each of the plants with a mixture of MooNure and mushroom compost. I added more on the South and West sides of the patch as those are away from the old compost pile and tomatoes did the worst there the past two years.
German Johnson – Late (Countryside) Low acid, potato-leaf foliage. | Mr. Stripey – Late (Countryside) Yellow with red-streaked flesh. | Cherokee Carbon – Mid (Countryside) Big pink fruit with Outstanding flavor | Boxcar Willie – Late (Countryside) Excellent Flavor. HY |
Early Girl II – Very Early (Countryside) Tasty fruit, first to ripen | Mortgage Lifter – Mid (Countryside) Pink variety with meaty fruit and great taste. | Cherokee Carbon – Mid (Countryside) Big pink fruit with Outstanding flavor | Hillbilly – Late (Countryside) Heirloom, big pink fruit, juicy, exquisite flavor. Beefsteak type. |
Champion VFNT – Early (Countryside) Great for sandwiches. Best early type. DR | Mortgage Lifter – Mid (Countryside) Pink variety with meaty fruit and great taste. | Arkansas Traveler (Countryside) Tolerates hot weather. HY | Brandywine Yellow – Mid (Countryside) Intense tomato flavor. HY |
Champion VFNT – Early (Countryside) Great for sandwiches. Best early type. DR | Lemon Boy – Mid (Countryside) Tasty, sweet, juicy, low acid. HY | Black From Tula – Late (Countryside) Rich, salty, smoky flavor. | Gold Medal – Mid (Countryside) Flesh is streaked with red and flavorful. |