Today was sort of a bonus day. Rain had been predicted, but the day stayed dry and I spent the whole day in the garden, finishing up at about 5:30, and then sitting on the deck until about 9:00.
I planted, staked, and put bottomless pots on the sweet peppers, 3 large Lady Bell, 6 small Lady Bell, 3 Melrose, 3 banana peppers, and 3 Gypsy peppers. I installed the same type of rabbit protection to the Shishito peppers. Then I planted and staked the hot peppers, 3 large Poblano peppers, 3 Hot Hungarian Peppers, and 8 Jalapeno peppers in the fenced area where I grew Roma tomatoes for the past couple of years.

I planted four eggplants, two Black Bell II and two Black shine in the first bed, and used tomato cages around them which I then wrapped with wire fencing. The rabbits love eggplant and will take them down to the ground.

I planted the Bergamot Mint in the mint garden behind the pots and planted two MexicanTarragon plants nest to the Sweet Mint.
I planted the Malabar Spinach seeds in the first bed along with Pak Choi. I planted parsley seeds in the herb garden off the deck. I added compost to the herb garden near the container garden and planted the two Basil Perpetua plants there. I also thinned the radishes and planted a second crop in front of the peas in the east half of that garden.
That finishes up the major planting. I need to plan the far bed which will have the Roma Tomatoes, celery root, the Zappallo de Tronco Squash, and possibly the mashed potato squash.
It was a good day and I got a lot done. I am completely exhausted after two days of intensive gardening. The rain starts tonight and will continue through tomorrow. The next week will be only in the 60s with several days of rain.