It was a beautiful morning today and I had to hit the gardening hard as it rained yesterday and it is again in the forecast for tomorrow and Saturday, then the temps will drop back into the 60s. Lee is here today working on the barn so I need to plant in between helping him. The first thing, I finished up planting the pots in the front. Then I mixed topsoil and mushroom compost and topped off the pots that were missing soil, topdressed the green onions and chives, I also added a layer of compost to the parsley bed off the deck where I will plant parsley from seed.

I seeded the remaining pot off the deck with cilantro. then I planted 12 shishito pepper plants and tree lady bell plants in the last bed next to the horseradish. I weeded that bed, also. Planting the peppers was a chore as the soil was still extremely wet.